Another Visit from Mr. Tomato (Dr. Pepper, Et Al.)
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension Regional Horticulture Educator is back. Last week, we talked about some of the stellar tomatoes to grow in your garden. This week, it is a bit more on tomatoes, including staking tall varieties and avoiding the dreaded blossom-end rot on tomatoes and peppers (right, all photos courtesy of Steve Bogash) – when corky, disfiguring sections of fruits are blighted by disease.
Steve also gets into some of his prized peppers – Thai hybrid varieties to be exact (‘Big Thai’, below left). These fruits are not like the ones so popular in Mexican cuisine (like 'Zavory', above right). Slender, hot to mild, Thai peppers are also great ornamental plants.
Fact sheets from Penn State Extension on growing vegetables.
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