What’s New?
Our guest is Adam Wheeler, the propagation and plant development manager at Broken Arrow Nursery — a retail and mail order concern in Hamden, CT. Adam shares some of his favorite new plants with us. Broken Arrow was founded by Richard Jaynes and his wife Sally in 1984. Dick is famed worldwide for his mountain laurel hybrids (Kalmia latifolia ‘Raspberry Glow’, left) blooming with flowers in color variations from crimson to white, striped and spotted, as well as
shrub size.
Among the plants Adam tells us about are trees: Acer negundo 'Kellys Gold', Ginkgo biloba'Majestic Butterfly' (right), Nyssa sylvatica'Zydeco Twist', and shrubs Aralia elata 'Aureovariegata' Callicarpa dichotoma 'Duet', Hydrangea paniculata 'Dharuma' and Ptelea trifoliata 'Aurea'.
The nursery offers lectures and workshops, which are listed on its website.
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Thanks so much for this – we are very lucky to have Broken Arrow here in CT. I’ll be looking for that ginkgo for sure!
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