Love in the Garden
love gardening. And frankly, you’re good at it. Maybe it is time for a career
change. Wouldn’t it be great to turn your passion into your vocation and design
gardens full time?
guest today is Love Albrecht Howard, a Boston-area landscape professional who
has been making gardens since 1994, and is the author of a new
book, So You Want to be a Garden Designer.
Love has a wonderful sense of humor,
and a whole lot of common sense. Her book takes readers through every step of
the process – from finding clients, to drawing layouts, billing, dealing with
sub-contractors and nurseries, and even the way to handle the most difficult
situation. “Sometimes, you just have to walk away from a job,” she says. But I
am sure that is the rarest situation.
Tune in today for what I hope will only be the first visit from Love
Albrecht Howard. She’s terrific!
Click on the small black arrow at the left on the bar below to start
or click on the MP3 link to download the show into Windows
Media Player or iTunes:
Very interesting and entertaining