This Week's Podcast: A Replay: A Growing Trend Becomes a Way of Life
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Vincent Simeone is the director of Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in the Village of Upper Brookville in the town of Oyster Bay, New York (below). Vinnie is a lecturer, writer and horticultural consultant. He has written a new book
, Grow More With Less: Sustainable Garden Methods, published by Cold Spring Press.
The term Sustainable has become an all-purpose buzzword. But regardless of its overuse, sustainability is more than a fad, or even a trend. This is the way we have to garden – and live – for decades to come – for now and forever. Sustainability involves recycling garden waste into compost, fighting bad bugs with good ones, welcoming wildlife, and perhaps most important, limiting the overuse of potentially hazardous chemicals.
In its ideal, a sustainable garden would manage itself. But we are talking about gardening – the activity of humans interacting with nature to create something useful and beautiful that can, with Vinnie’s advice, help the earth’s environment. Topics include: eco-friendly strategic planning, water conservation, Sustainable lawn care, attracting wildlife and maintaining a healthy garden.
We also get to chat about camellias (above, left). The collection under glass and outdoors is the most extensive in the northeast.
Great interview! Like you, it was very nice to find another gardener on the same path of learning.
Thank you for the good work.