This Week's Podcast: Country-Hopping Horticulturist Bob Hyland on Plant-O-Rama
Click on the small black arrow on the bar to listen, or the MP3 to download the show:
Bob Hyland is the former Vice President for horticulture at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, co-owner of Loomis Creek Nursery in Columbia County, New York, and now a garden designer, consultant and owner of Hyland Garden Design and Contained Exuberance in Portland, Oregon. (Below: One of Bob’s plantings in a Campania International earthenware vessel featuring a stunning banana, Musa 'Siam Ruby'.)
Bob is also the Manager of the 18th annual Plant-O-Rama – an extravaganza co-sponsored by Metro Hort Group and BBG. Plant-O-Rama is a lecture symposium and trade show held at the Garden. This year’s all day event will be held on January 28, 2014.
There will be 50 exhibitors in the Palm House representing NYC metro and Long Island premier specialty nurseries and wholesale growers, pottery distributors, horticultural product suppliers, soil and compost companies, public gardens and greening organizations. This part of the day is free and open to the public. Check for exhibitor list.
The symposium with lectures, workshops and panel discussions (moderated by me) requires preregistration.
For more information, go to, and visit the Plant-O-Rama FaceBook page. Registration online. Metro Hort Group members, NYC public gardens & NYC Parks & Recreation employees $15 advance ($25 at door), all others $55 advance ($65 at door). Registration at the door is NOT guaranteed!
Please come. This is a unique opportunity to meet other professionals, learn about trends and new developments in horticulture and have a whole lot of fun.
Thanks Ken… I’ll be there with all my natural companions!
Aww! Wish I could attend!
Bob has such a cool garden I hope to visit in the near future!