This Week's Podcast: A Replay: It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
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Doug Hall, Deputy Editor of Organic Gardening magazine joins us to talk about some of the things we can still be doing in August. He has recommendations, many of which I hadn’t thought of. For example, keep mulching. We usually apply mulch in the spring, and that’s that, but Doug keeps applying whatever material he has on hand (like grass clippings) right through the season. Why not?
Deadheading flowering plants is a task that is high on the list, as we all know. (A Ligularia dentata, right, comes to the end of its flowering period in August when its flowering stems should be removed.) Some perennials will rebloom if cut back.
Doug stresses the importance of weeding, especially as weeds go to seed. “You can avoid ten years of extra work.” I add that if I don’t have time to pull some weeds that are flowering and threatening to go to seed, I’ll go around with a scissors or pruners and cut their heads off and go back and pull them when I can.
If you want the garden to look better during these shaggy late summer days, edge the beds. Mowing grass is like getting a good haircut. Edging is like a full body makeover.
Doug says it is very important to water – especially in the vegetable garden as fruits are ripening. Keeping up with harvests might be the top task for the food gardener. Doug reminds us that we should hydrate, as well, and drink plenty of water. I think one of his best suggestions is “If it is too hot for the garden, it might be too hot for you, as well, and sometimes it’s a good idea to take a break.”
And when you take a break, sit in the shade on a comfy chair. “Furniture outdoors should be as comfortable as its counterpart indoors.” That’s good advice – for those of us who do remember to sit it out for a while.
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