This Week's Podcast: Gardening for Earth's Creatures
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Carole Sevilla Brown is a Conservation Biologist who
firmly believes that helping wildlife begins in your own backyard. Carole is an
author, educator, speaker, birder, butterfly watcher, and naturalist who told
us how she developed the concept of “Ecosystem Gardening.”
She explains how you can make a difference by learning to make healthier choices in your
garden. You can create a welcoming habitat for wildlife that will have
immediate benefits for birds, butterflies, native pollinators, and other
wildlife in your ecosystem garden (right, a Cooper’s Hawk visited Carole’s
garden in Philadelphia).
recommends sustainable gardening practices, reducing the size of your lawn,
conserving water, creating healthy soil, learning which plants to avoid and how
to choose the best ones for your specific garden. Some simple ways to put these
ideas into practice might be planting food for wildlife, adding a water
source, providing shelter and safe spaces for wildlife to raise their young.
created and maintains a host of websites on the subject of gardening with the
In addition to Ecosystem Gardening, there are two team
websites featuring authors and educators: Beautiful Wildlife Garden and Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens. Contributors from around the country are Donna
Donabella (NY), Ellen Sousa (MA), Karyl Seppala (GA), Kathy Vilim (CA), Loret
T. Setters (FL) and Ursula Venon (NC).
Carole Sevilla Brown says
Thanks Ken. This was a really fun interview to do. I really enjoyed chatting with you. You are a wonderful voice for the gardening community.