This Week's Podcast: One Stop Shopping
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The New American Landscape: Leading Voices on the Future of Sustainable Gardening, edited by this week’s guest Thomas Christopher, brings some of the top thinkers to examine the convergence of horticulture, the environment and ecological consciousness. All of this today
is what we call “sustainable.” We know now that we gardeners have a unique opportunity, as well as a personal relationship with the living earth.
We must be mindful of valuable topsoil, oxygen-enriching plant life, and habitat for wildlife. Gardens provide not only healthy local food and natural beauty; they cool the earth and absorb carbon dioxide.
Contributors include:
John Greenlee and Neil Diboll on meadows and "no-mow" lawns
Rick Darke on balancing natives and exotics in the garden
Doug Tallamy on gardening for wildlife
Eric Toensmeier on the sustainable edible garden
David Wolfe on gardening for climate change
Elaine Ingham on managing soil health
David Deardorff and Kathryn Wadsworth on pest and disease solutions
Ed Snodgrass and Linda McIntyre on green roofs
Thomas Christopher (above) on water conservation
Toby Hemenway on whole system garden design
According to the book, whether a garden ultimately helps or hurts the planet depends on the gardener. Choosing the “wrong” plants, spreading tons of synthetic chemicals onto lawns, or wasting precious water on a careless landscape can do more harm than good. The authors present techniques and practices to give homeowners a roadmap to nature and garden synergy.
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