The Eyes Have It!
Doug Hall, the Senior Editor of Organic Gardening Magazine, tested potato-growing methods seven different ways last year for an article in the magazine. We talk about his findings, and also what he discovered
in the Andes when he helped teach farming methods while in the Peace Corps.
Doug grew ‘German Butterball’ potatoes from “seed” — small spuds or chunks with at least two eyes in each piece. He grew them in the traditional method, in excavated trenches; on the soil with thick mulches of straw; in raised beds; in grow bags (left); black trash bags; wooden boxes and wire mesh cylinders filled with compost and soil.
What technique proved most successful with highest yields? Tune in and find out, or check out the April/May, 2011 issue of Organic Gardening Magazine on newsstands, now.
Click on the small black arrow at the left on the bar below to start listening, or click on the MP3 link to download the show into Windows Media Player or iTunes:
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