Garden Visitors — Expected and Unexpected
I survived the garden tour.
It was great. Some of the best things were getting the garden back in shape;
hearing wonderful questions from visitors; and meeting nice people.
There were a few surprises
the week of the tour – most of all, an uninvited garden visitor: A black bear
(right). Listen to the show to find out more.
Some of the popular plants
people asked about included Cornus kousa ‘Wolf Eyes’ (below), Hosta nigrescens, and Clematis ‘Betty Corning’, which blooms for months. I was happy that the rose on the 70-foot-long fence in front
of the house, ‘American Pillar’ was in bloom for the tour – two weeks earlier
than usual.
Click on the small black arrow at the left on the bar below to start
or click on the MP3 link to download the show into Windows
Media Player or iTunes:
Your right, the bear is huge! I think you were very brave to be outside with this guy in the neighborhood. He is pretty forward too. We also have a few of the bruin type of visitors, but they usually only appear at night.(They set off the motion detectors, otherwise we wouldn’t even know they were around).
Very impressive.